24 hour Weather Channel

Some of the radar images are not updating as they are not being updated on the Malaysian Meteorological Department's website.I have contacted the department and they said they are working to resolve the issue.

Peninsula Radar

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Klang Valley Radar

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Sabah radar

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Sarawak radar

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Whole Malaysia radar

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Nowcast(SWIRLS based)

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Nowcast(advection based)

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Visible Satellite 

Image courtesy of Thai Meteorlogical Department.

Infrared satellite

Image courtesy of Malaysian Meteorological Department.

Infrared+visible satellite hybrid

Image courtesy of Thai Meteorological Department.

Lightning analysis Southern Peninsula(from weather.us)

Lightning analysis whole Malaysia(from weather.us)

Severe weather warnings from Malaysian Meteorological Department

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